Kinesiology and Chiropractic Biophysics in Sunrise

More often than not, when we tell someone that we are a chiropractic office, they immediately associate our vocation with neck and/or back pain. What many do not realize, however, is that chiropractic care in Sunrise is a health care modality that provides significantly more than just a solution for pain.
Chiropractic is a lifestyle that involves all aspects of wellness, including exercise, nutrition, personal development, and stress relief. We have been fortunate to work with people from all walks of life (including newborns, children, and adolescents) and the outcome has been miraculous.
Applied Kinesiology in Sunrise
Kinesiology [biomechanics] is the study of body movement. Applied kinesiology (AK) utilizes muscle testing to identify areas of stress in the body. Stress can present itself in mechanical (joint subluxations, muscle trigger points, muscle imbalances, meridian/energy imbalances), nutritional (vitamin deficiencies, hormone imbalances, the need to detox candida, parasites, food toxins, or environmental toxins), or emotional.
In general, the applied kinesiologist finds a muscle that tests weak and then attempts to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly. The practitioner will then evaluate and apply the therapy that will best eliminate the muscle weakness and help the patient. Therapies utilized can include specific joint manipulation or mobilization, various myofascial therapies, cranial techniques, meridian therapy, clinical nutrition, dietary management, and various reflex procedures.
Chiropractic Biophysics in Sunrise
Emphasizes optimal posture and spinal alignment as the primary goals of chiropractic care while simultaneously documenting improvements in pain and functional-based outcomes. The CBP® treatment focuses on structural rehabilitation of the spine and posture.
The chiropractic biophysics technique is unique for several reasons. It provides a specific therapeutic goal (the Harrison model of ideal upright posture). It correlates the patient’s three-dimensional posture with precise radiographic analysis to help eliminate much of the false data, which are inherent in analysis based on X-rays alone. It effectively addresses the overall posture of the patient by means of mirror image adjustive procedures, and it seeks to rectify long-term soft tissue changes by means of extension tractioning and rehabilitative exercise programs which are tailored individually for each patient.
8:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Chirofit Sunrise
9180 West Commercial Boulevard
Sunrise, FL 33351